I am in the middle of no idea what path of life i'm having now
But what I've known as of now, I am way happy than before
Alhamdullillah for all thing everything all day everyday

But still, different path different challenges
Marriage life is something that I can't describe by now as its will take your whole life to experience lol. Plus everyday is different circumstances to me, I feel like I didn't experience enough to tell people how do I feel about marriage life. I might say it's complicated but in a good way. And I intend to experience it everyday and more Insha'Allah. It makes me never had enough of this life. It's some kind of addiction lol.

Go with the flow. Are this phrase still relevant nowadays? Haha. I feel like involving in the serious thing like this (marriage) we really have to think relevantly before making any decision. I learnt a lot at this path and still learning day by day to experimenting feeling, decision and method to produce more productive relationship and connection with either person neither environment around us.
